Join Our Amazing ITATI Community

About The "ITATI?" Community

“ITATI?” Community

As I began my latest book “Is That All There Is?” I developed a vision of sharing all of the , solutions, resources, lessons, discoveries, and content I’ve created throughout my career. The ultimate goal: For you to achieve transformational results!

I never thought that I’d be doing it this soon, or in this manner. The brainstorm I had on my flight back from Corpus Christi Texas told me – there’s no perfect time, so WHY NOT NOW?!

And that’s when I knew it: I must have a group of “ITATI Members” – people who will be on the ground floor, sharing their and their visions, telling me what they want, what’s holding them back, and how to move forward with certainty and clarity… Wow!

Exactly my vision! A community of like-minded people – people like you and like me, all TOGETHER, moving forward, helping each other, and discovering from all of the people I know, all of my resources, the success stories, and yes – even some stories of failure… Most importantly, creating the life you’ve been dreaming of in every way imaginable.

If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of – to participate in creating this community and knowing that there’s way more than “Is That All There Is?!,” then yes, indeed, please come and join us on this wonderful journey!

Check out some of what is included in the “Is That All There Is‽” Member’s Area for a subscription of only $38 per month.

ITATI Community Internal Courses

"Goal Setting Made Easy"

“The 3 P's of a Terrific Life and a Terrific Career”

“What People Want & What People Want To Know”

7 Simple Steps to Clear and Concise Communication”

Another Great Way To Work With Bruce

Together With Turkel Strategic Roundtables

Strategic RoundTables or groups are invaluable. They can provide new ideas, help vet concepts, provide accountability and expose you to the honest support that can help you and the people around you achieve success.

Business Review” says: “A mastermind group can help provide honest feedback, help you refine your ideas, and share insights and leads. They can also inspire you with their successes and supports you when you face setbacks.”

I said, ” A mastermind group is a collection of people who help you deal with whatever it is that jerks your eyes open at 3 AM. While they may not be there when you’re tossing and turning, wondering and worrying about what to do next, and what to do about what you’ve already done, they’re there when you are ready to discuss it.

I’m a big believer in Strategic RoundTables!

Currently, I have two levels of Strategic RoundTables. They are outlined on my website.

Work With Other CEO’s And Bruce Strategic Roundtables

“So What Really is a “CEOnly ?”

Imagine having the opportunity to collaborate with an exclusive group of high-level business owners, entrepreneurs and CEOs – all like-minded people focused on achieving the highest results in every area of their lives.

And 12 weeks later you have deep, powerful and trusting relationships with a tremendous new group of collaborators, mentors and experts.

During those 12 weeks you gain lots of fresh new ideas, visions and SOLUTIONS for your biggest challenges and frustrations. In the process you achieve honest feedback, confidence, support, , certainty, new perspectives, critical insights and even some challenges – into yourself and your business, continuously and discovering from other CEOs, business owners and leaders, and of course most importantly – acquiring long term friendships and .

You get an opportunity to help and to share and be part of a wonderful and exclusive community. Yes! Success!

Vision. Leadership. Adaptability.

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(305) 602-0777

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