Bruce 's Blog

Sales Made Easy 8 in a Series

Sales Made Easy 8 in a Series

There are many ways you can set yourself and your business apart: You can be cheaper, faster, better looking, closer, more innovative, better, higher quality, more convenient, or better known. You can be all of the above. Or you can be something else.
However, the best way to build your value and demonstrate why you matter to your customers and your potential customers is to understand why you matter to them.
Sales Made Easy 8 says…

Sales Made Easy 5 in a Series

Sales Made Easy 5 in a Series

If you understand what you do, what your client wants, and where those two things intersect, you already know where to focus your time and attention. Sure, there are other things you can do. But just like that delayed flight, you're better off concentrating on the things you can affect and improve instead of busying yourself worrying about things that are out of your control.
Sales Made Easy 5 says…

Sales Made Easy 2 in a Series

Sales Made Easy 2 in a Series

Sales Made Easy 2: If you want to build your business, your number one job is to generate as much interest in you and your activities as possible to build relationships. And while there are no direct metrics to extrapolate how many lunches it takes to generate additional income, a good rule of thumb is this: the more, the merrier.
It all starts when you take them to lunch.

Sales Made Easy 1 in a Series

Sales Made Easy 1 in a Series

Decisions are made without all the facts all the time. Once the purchase decision has been made, more facts might reinforce the deal. But they could also kill it. Once you've got a “Yes,” why risk snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?
The simple solution in presentations—especially ones that go well—is to be quiet and let the buyer talk. To do that, remember Sales Made Easy 1: “Shut the @#$%!! up.”

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