Dying To Be In Facebook
Has anyone else noticed the recent rash of Millennials hurting...
Deth Bye A Thowsend Cutz
How do you feel about typos? I hate ‘em. The few times I’ve...
When Acting Gets Real
I took a class last weekend with acting coach Tom Todoroff. I’m no...
The Four “A”s Of Travel Marketing
In the last few weeks I’ve had a particularly busy travel schedule....
Selling Across The Generations.
I used to think that my father’s generation was the last one to live...
Reaching Today’s Gay Consumer.
For the past few years, advertising to gay audiences has been the...
The Simple Power of Delight.
My friend and super-talented art director and illustrator, Soren...
Branding Island Style.
Picture a tropical island off the coast of the United States: This...
The Internet Giveth and The Internet Taketh Away.
A few weeks ago my mom recommended that my wife and I go to a...
Seven Steps for Successful Tweeting.
Jackass star Ryan Dunn was killed when he crashed his Porsche 911...
140 Characters is Way Too Many Letters.
Twitter has forever changed the way people communicate because being...
The Instant On Generation
I was a kid back in the dark ages of transistor radios. If a friend...
Unmashing a Mashup
According to web technologist Cameron Adams, a mashup is “a song...
Not My Attorney
During the last days of 2010 Barack Obama changed Federal tax law....
What Do You Do?
A few hundred years ago it was easy to know what someone did for a...
The Power of The Platform.
Every third Friday I drive up to Fort Lauderdale at seven a.m. to...
Do you know where good ideas come from? Don’t feel bad, neither do...
Hidden in Plain Sight
I’d like you to watch a video on YouTube. In the video you’ll see...