What’s hotter, a Ferrari or a Toyota?
Ferraris burn while Toyota’s reputation goes down in flames. [CLICK ON TITLE TO READ THE WHOLE STORY]
Customer Service and the Power of Social Media
How apologies can be a simple and effective component of exceptional customer service. [CLICK ON TITLE TO READ ARTICLE].
What Do You Do When You’ve Finished Your To Dos?
Everybody wants more time but what’s the best thing to do when you get it? [TO READ COMPLETE ARTICLE, PLEASE CLICK ON TITLE]
Heart Surgery, Thomas Edison, and Customer Service.
Marketing health care or answering the question what’s the difference between God and a surgeon?
Not By The Hair Of Her Chinny Chin Chin.
Senior Selling — marketing to 55+ boomers — just HAS to be good business. Here’s how to get started. [PLEASE CLICK ON TITLE TO READ WHOLE POST]
The Boomers Shall Inherit the Earth.
Baby Boomers are creating the largest and wealthiest generation in history. What are you doing to prepare for this unprecedented opportunity? [TO READ ARTICLE, CLICK ON TITLE]
Tourism. The Rodney Dangerfield of Industries.
What do Rodney Dangerfield and the tourism industry have in common? Neither one gets any respect. [TO READ MORE, CLICK TITLE].
LOL, LMAO, IMHO, POS and Other Critical Acronyms.
My experience proves that Delta stands for “Doesn’t Ever Leave The Airport.” What do other acronyms say about the brands they represent? [CLICK ON TITLE FOR WHOLE ARTICLE]
What’s In A Name?
Is there any connection between what something is named and what it does? [PLEASE CLICK ON TITLE TO READ ARTICLE].
Is Anyone Reading All This Stuff?
Lots of people are writing. But is anyone actually reading? [CLICK ON TITLE FOR ENTIRE ARTICLE]
Adventures in time management (or what the heck should I do next?)
With so much to do, what’s the right thing to do next?? (CLICK ON TITLE TO READ ARTICLE)
What Do Baby Boomers Want, Anyway?
I’m not looking for an honest man, the Holy Grail or the meaning of life. But I know what Boomers want. (TO READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE, CLICK ON TITLE).
What do incompetence AND arrogance add up to?
Incompetent and arrogant is no way to go through life whether you’re a musician or an oil company. [PLEASE CLICK TITLE FOR WHOLE ARTICLE].
Knowledge is power. Really?
Some companies are benefiting from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. And they’re not the ones you think. [CLICK ON TITLE FOR WHOLE STORY].
Insight: No ‘quick fix’ for the tourism industry
The Alabama Post Register followed my blog posts on the oil disaster and Gulf Coast tourism. Here’s the article, reprinted in its entirety. [TO READ WHOLE ARTICLE, PLEASE CLICK ON TITLE].
Did Hitler Wear Hanes? Your opinions…
Commenters are either outraged by Hanes’ new campaign or they think I’m blowing it out of proportion… [PLEASE CLICK ON TITLE FOR WHOLE STORY]
Smile or Die
"Acclaimed journalist, author and political activist Barbara...
Did Hitler Wear Hanes?
Do Helen Thomas and Michael Jordan think being endearing is an excuse for anti-Semitism? [CLICK ON TITLE FOR WHOLE ARTICLE]