The Danger of Self-Referencing Criteria
Self-Referencing Criteria You know the old story: Four blind Indian...
United Airlines: An Open Letter to CEO Oscar Munoz
United Airlines has suffered serious PR hits over the last few days. But they are just the people to fix their problem, as they proved almost 30 years ago.
How NOT to Write a Blog Post
Success in the blogosphere requires knowing how to write, edit and promote your blog. But it also requires knowing how NOT to write a blog post.
When is Enough Enough?
1. What do celebrities owe the people who help make their successes possible? 2. Based on my belief that business and personal brands should be All About Them, how do the more successful balance their desire to relate to their customers with their need for privacy? 3. Is there a happy medium where everyone can feel both respected and respectful?
How to Monetize Talent.
Monetize talent.Vincent Van Gogh died broken and penniless. He could...
Redefine Your Dreams
Redefine Your Dreams Sometime in the early 2000’s, Dr. William...
How You Do Anything Means Everything.
How you do anything means everything. Most business books could be...
Job Opportunities for Millennials and More
Job Opportunities for Millennials and More Are you looking for job...
An Open Letter to Uber and Travis Kalanick
Uber, San Francisco, CaliforniaAttn: Mr. Travis Kalanick, CEO Dear...
Foreplay Starts in the Morning.
Foreplay starts in the morning. I have a buddy who told me about a...
Can you Transcend Politics?
Transcend politics. Companies including Uber, Lyft, Under Armor,...
The Trump Effect.
When Coca-Cola and Budweiser are accused of un-American behavior (yet revel in the success of their advertising) you KNOW the Trump Effect is at work. And it’s something to which you’d better pay very close attention.
The Brand Battlefield – Trump vs. Business vs. Trump
The Brand Battlefield The Trump administration banned immigration...
Gwyneth Paltrow, Green Eggs, and Vaginas.
Gwyneth Paltrow, Green Eggs, and Vaginas.Gwyneth Paltrow has sold a...
Why Boosting Your Facebook Ads Is Dangerous.
At first glance, boosting Facebook posts seems like a good way to increase awareness. But think twice before you pay to reach some of Facebook’s one billion users. Let’s talk about why…
The Secret of the Experience Economy
The ironic Chinese curse was, “May you live in interesting times.” Today’s Experience Economy corollary could be, “May your life be half as interesting as it looks on Facebook.”
Do You Know What You Want To Do?
Do You Know What You Want To Do? When I went to college I wanted to...