Does Travel Technology Make Travel Better?
Travel Technology. Greetings from Faro in the heart of the...
Branding the President of The United States
Branding the President of The United StatesCan you take off your...
Prioritizing Time.
Prioritizing Time.One of the most difficult challenges I deal with...
The Power of Three Words
L.M. Montgomery, the author of Anne of Green Gables wrote that the...
All Politics is Local politics
Local Politics Because “all politics are local,” today I want to...
Iannarino: All About Anthony
First an admission with some very strange timing: Anthony Iannarino...
5 P’s #3 Positioning – The Search for Meaning.
Today it’s time to talk about the third P of creating an All About...
People Don’t Buy What You Do. The 5 Ps – Product
You’ve spent almost all your time getting really good at what you...
Charge More Money. Get More Business. The 5 Ps – Price
Charge More Money and Get More Business.In the retail world, price...
Selling Books. Three Great Tips.
Selling Books.Selling books has gone from “If you build it they will...
How do you get a Bestseller?
How do you get a Bestseller? How do you get to Carnegie Hall?...
Bestseller. How-To Guide.
All About Them is a damn good manifesto for marketing in the new world. It will show you how to promote your business to new levels of success. But with all the other great stuff you’ll simply for ordering now, it’s a no-brainer. What’s the catch? Just this: this deal ends at midnight on September 6th, 201
Write a Book
I could have written All About Them to help friends and readers like you tackle the new world we all find ourselves in. Of course I could have written it to serve as the post-modern guidebook for businesses, professionals, and entrepreneurs to learn how to not just survive but to thrive in today’s increasingly connected environment. And yes, I could have written it to show you proven, step-by-step techniques to build a powerful brand.
But c’mon. We’ve been blog friends now for as many as nine years and we’ve always been honest with each other. The reason to write a book was to make my mother happy.
Selling Yourself Doesn’t Work Anymore
All About Them is all about selling yourself by using proven, albeit counterintuitive, techniques to build your brand and build your business in today’s uncertain new world.
Believe In Your Brand
Believe In Your BrandI’m sitting with a potential client who is...
Shorting Stocks for Fun and Profit
I know next to nothing about buying stocks, shorting stocks, investing or speculation strategy. And until now, shorting stocks has always been something worth doing against my investment recommendations. But what I do know how to do is build brand value. And I also know when that value is about to come crashing down.
Ashley Madison on Branding Adultery
Just as nothing will bring back the lives and marriages damaged by the affairs Ashley Madison facilitated, nothing will bring back the company’s initial success either. Because once the company failed to live up to their authentic truth of discretion, they cheated on themselves and created a new business model that’s answering the question nobody’s asking.