The Difference Between Cooking and Baking.
At first glance, cooking and baking seem to be different sides of...
Reaching and Grasping in The New Year
Rabbi Mitchell Chefitz told me a wonderful story about a...
What the Duck?
A few weeks ago my wife and I were enjoying a quick vacation in the...
My 15 Minutes of Hate.
Last Thursday I was a guest on the O’Reilly Factor on FOX News. The...
Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Brand.
There’s an old joke that says, “The key to relationships is honesty...
Does The NFL Bullying Scandal Signal The End Of Football?
The other day someone asked my brilliant friend John DeMarchi what...
The Importance Of Design In The Sales Process.
It happened again! You blinked and the world changed. Don’t feel bad...
Blogging For Fun And Profit.
When I started this blog I promised to be transparent and share my...
Sometimes You Have To Say “NO” To Get To “YES.”
In 2008 we pitched a piece of business that we really wanted and...
What Will Hurt The United States’ Brand Value?
Brand value is the degree to which an individual or organization’s...
The Classics
When was the last time you reread the classics? Catcher in the Rye,...
The Simple Precision Of Language.
[Please note: I am on vacation this week and sharing one of my...
Why Is Building Your Brand Like Learning To Ride A Bike?
Do you remember the first time you rode a bike by yourself? I...
What Is A Brand?
People are constantly asking 'what is a brand?' and 'how a brand is...
Why iOS7’s Less Equals A Whole Lot More.
Have you upgraded to iOS 7 yet? If you’re an Apple iPhone or iPad...
How Do Speakers Bureaus Work, Anyway?
Do you understand how speakers bureaus work? I never did either. In...
The One Question You Should Never Ask.
My friend Phil Allen, brilliant lawyer and blazing lead guitar...