The Blog About Nothing.
The Seinfeld TV sitcom was called a show about nothing. When they...
Nobody Writes Notes Anymore. Do You?
When I walked downstairs to grab my mail today Shelly told me that I...
Simplify, Simplify.
In response to last week’s blog post How To Skin A Horse Of A...
How To Skin A Horse Of A Different Color.
Horses of a different color. More than one way to skin a cat....
Fearless Felix, Melissa Francis, and FOX.
One Sunday a few months ago, über parachute BASE jumper ‘Fearless’...
You Are What You Consume.
From The New York Times: “The (Volkswagen) Beetle was a...
Guilty Even Though Proven Innocent
A friend of mine got into some trouble recently. He left a bar after...
Getting A Job, Getting An Internship, Getting A Life.
I am sitting in exit row seat 12C and looking out the window at the...
How Do You See It?
Our Monday morning run takes us through Matheson Hammock Park and...
What Is An Idea Worth?
The most exciting and profitable part of my business is often also...
The Battle of the Brands
What the heck’s going on in the world of brands? If you haven’t been...
I Will. Will You?
A couple of weeks ago I heard lawyer, orator, and FIU Law School...
How To Be Really Funny (Even If You’re Not That Funny Now).
A few weeks ago the National Speakers Association (NSA) hosted their...
So God Made A TV Commercial
Last Sunday night about 110 million Americans sat around their HD...
Have You Ever Seen YOUR Neutral Face?
Sometimes you get exposed to a new viewpoint from a unique venue...
What Was So Damn Important Anyway?
My friend and client, Juan, went on a holiday a couple of months...
What I Learned At CES.
Last week I exhausted my brain, my legs, and my wallet wandering...
The Trouble With Tautology
Do you know what the word “tautology” means? Wikipedia says:...