The Deadbeat Brand
Have you ever been witness to the Pocket Pat? When it’s done well,...
The Tools Change. The Rules Don’t.
Have you noticed what's going on? Everything might seem pretty...
Does Pretty Matter?
In his best seller Blink, Malcolm Gladwell writes about the veracity...
Brand Of The Day
Part of this online journey I enjoy so much is the interaction I...
Community Foundations, JFK, Alka-Seltzer, and Your Business
Community foundations exist to help local area residents manage...
The App That Tells The Future
A while back I got into my car, flicked on the radio and realized...
Starbucks Envy
Eddie and Bill were sitting at an outdoor table at Scotty’s Landing...
What Time Does The Bus Get Here?
About a year ago I was lucky enough to meet a Supreme Court Justice...
But Enough About Me. What Do You Think About Me?
Creative designer David Kustin was sitting comfortably behind a...
Spreading Mind Viruses
Man, do I sit around a lot of conference tables. Between client...
The Secret To Our Success.
In the last few months our branding firm has seen an unprecedented...
You Must Be Present To Win.
Most mornings my running group meets bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at...
The Two Most Important Words In Sales
We’re sitting in the large conference room of a Fortune 500 company...
The Greatest Advertising Agency in the World
A few weeks ago I posted the question, What Business Are You In? I...
My Blog Got Me Thrown Out Of An Airplane.
I write this blog for a lot of reasons — to open a line of...
I Have Seen The Future of Branding
Last Saturday night I saw the future of branding. My wife and I...
The New Cost of Digital Infidelity
Buck’s Restaurant in Woodside, California, is ground zero for...
Since the advent of the Internet and email, we’ve all become experts...