More political ads coming to a TV near you
CBS interviewed me yesterday on the effect political advertising...
WiFi/USB Cufflinks
I am fully committed to traveling light but this is ridiculous!...
Why Write A Blog Anyway?
One of my favorite bloggers, David Altshuler, wrote a blog...
Nine Micro-Branding Tips Under $100 Each.
Last week we talked about how the Greater Miami Convention &...
The Seven-Step Recipe for Marketing Success
Owen Frager is Chief Innovation Officer of the Frager Creative...
The Power of the Brand
I’m sitting in a marketing committee meeting at the Greater Miami...
Free Research to Build Your Brand.
For years there’s been an ongoing debate regarding the veracity of...
Physician, Heal Thyself
I was sitting at the table at a conference recently, listening to a...
How To Generate Buzz
In today’s social media-savvy world, one of the most important...
The Three Goals for a Successful Blog Post
The other day Patrick sent an email suggesting that I link my blog...
How Light Can You Travel?
Those of you who know me or have been reading this blog for a while...
How To Make Money From Blogging.
It was in middle school literature classes that literary tools such...
Can Any Good Come From the Horrors at Penn State?
Last week we talked about people and companies who have botched...
They Never Even Saw It Coming. Or, Five Steps To Save Your Brand.
We’ve all seen the famous scene in Casablanca where Captain Renault...
Define Your Issue Mind Map
How To Get A Job.
Last week I wrote a bit about The Real Value of Tourism and its...
The Real Value of Tourism
I spend a lot of time working in the tourism industry so I think...