My eighteen mile run on Saturday
On Saturday I did my longest run to date and have come up with no business value at all. Just thought it was worth relating, for a cathartic experience if nothing else. I can’t do a mile-by-mile recap because I’ve blocked most of it from my mind, kind of like the pain of childbirth. Click title for more…
Why Can’t Ethnic-Owned Shops Be Agencies of Record?
Hadji Williams, a 17-year advertising copywriter, posted this and I...
The Mrs. Kravitz Effect in Social Media
If you are a baby boomer like I am, you probably remember the 60s...
Just who is your competition?
Rohit Bhargava of Ogilvy and author The Influential Marketing Blog,...
Living a Life of Purpose; The Richly Working
Steve Spalding suggests that 80% of People Quietly Despise Their...
The Beginning (Or The End) For Ad Agencies?
This speaks to the current POV that agencies who focus solely on...
Brands bruised in battered economy
World's 2 most valuable brands: Coca-Cola, IBM By Emily Fredrix/The...
You Have To Be Cheapest Or Be Best
Another brilliant blog post by my friend Andrew Jaffee: Motorola is...
Outside England's Bristol Zoo there is a parking lot for 150 cars...
Blackstar’s Woodstock tribute, August 15th at Books & Books
40 years ago the world watched and listened in amazement as Yasgur’s...
Toyota Flirts With Going It Alone
AdAge reported that Toyota is thinking of firing its ad agencies and...
Is There Life After Branding?
A few months ago I made a presentation titled Building Brand Value...
Ad changes depending on whether someone is looking
This bus stop ad, recently erected in Hamburg, Germany, changes...
I Am Ready For Death
Owen Frager's compelling review of Social Media's significance: As...
At a minimum, what social media marketing should we do?
Like the author of this article, we're often asked how companies...
Hank Sheinkopf, Political Consultant
Hank took a break from his CNN appearances and private practice clients to explain his theories of how politics work.