How To Make A Great Deal Even Sweeter.
I don’t usually use this space to rant. I try to be thoughtful,...
The Tools Change. The Rules Remain The Same.
The Internet bubble burst right after Y2K and the real estate bubble...
This email showed up on my phone this morning (yes, the name...
How To Build Your Brand.
Last month I presented the keynote speech on building brands at the...
You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone.
What was going through your mind on 9/10/01? I’ll bet you don’t...
What Can Your Brand Learn From Being On Stage?
We all believe that one thing causes another. Newton’s third law of...
Pablo Picasso, The Rolling Stones, This Blog, And You.
What do Pablo Picasso, the Rolling Stones, and this blog have in...
The Difference Between Success and Failure.
David and I were at the gym the other day talking about a race we...
Things You Only Do Once.
Some things get better with age — wines mellow and so does balsamic...
The Profitable Business of Naming Storms
With summer finally showing its sweaty face, those of us who live in...
It’s Too Easy To Say No.
My friend Jimmy was filling his basket in the produce section when I...
The Greatest Generation.
Tom Brokaw wrote the book about the generation of Americans who grew...
Customers Don’t Know What They Want.
When I was in high school one of my part-time jobs was working as a...
You Have To Take Risks
In the seven or so years I’ve published this blog I don’t think I’ve...
The Difference Between Everything and Anything.
This email exchange is almost all verbatim. I removed the names and...
What’s Carnival To Do?
Have you read about Carnival Cruise Line’s latest woes? Of course...
Free TED Simulcast Tickets For You.
My fifth grade teacher Juliette Polichetti used to say, “If you...
Advice from Dads and Architects.
My father was a passionate proponent of architecture and design....