Setting The Record Straight.

If you visit the Smithsonian Institute, one of the exhibits you might see is a lunch counter that’s been carefully relocated from a Woolworth’s store in Greensboro, North Carolina to Washington D.C. History says that the counter was the site of the first...

A Victory for Democracy in Florida

Yesterday was an historic day for supporters of fair elections in Florida and our nation.The Florida State Legislature has passed a bill to reform Florida’s faulty voting system. Read the Miami Herald Article here As posted a few days ago here, Turkel partnered...

The South’s First Sit-In

There’s a lunch counter on display in the Smithsonian Institution that was taken from Greensboro, North Carolina. According to the plaque, Greensboro was the site of the first civil rights sit-in in the American south. But at least a year before the sit-ins in...