by marketing.bruceturkel | Aug 7, 2019 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Building Brand Value
An article in AdWeek Magazine titled “The Survivors” promised to teach readers, “How to make it as an indie agency in the merger era.” (For those of you not in the advertising agency business, that means how small, independent advertising agencies can survive without...
by marketing.bruceturkel | Jul 24, 2019 | Branding, Building Brand Value
Regular readers of this blog know I’m an unabashed car fanatic. As a good buddy of mine (whose passions run to full-bodied cabernets) once told me, “I have a friend who says I’ve never met a wine I didn’t love for some particular nuance or reason. I...
by marketing.bruceturkel | Jul 17, 2019 | Branding, Building Brand Value
Because I believe so strongly in making my brand All About Them, I sometimes have to remind myself to take a step back from pontificating about building brand value. Instead, I need to spend more time understanding the issues and concerns my clients and readers have...
by marketing.bruceturkel | Jul 10, 2019 | Branding, Building Brand Value
In 1984 IBM‘s share price skyrocketed and they were the darling of Wall Street. But ten short years later, IBM lost over $8 billion, the biggest loss in corporate history at the time. In response, the company completely revamped its strategy, moving from a...
by marketing.bruceturkel | Jun 5, 2019 | Building Brand Value
From an accounting point of view, the distinction between the assets and liabilities is simple: Assets are the items you or your company owns that can provide future economic benefit. Liabilities are what you owe other parties. Assets make you money, liabilities cost...