Your Brand Is Not About You.

Seven or eight years ago I found myself running into the same predicament over and over again. Our advertising agency would present our branding and marketing concepts to our clients and they would want objective assurances that our ideas would work. Although we were...

The Three “E”s of Successful Public Speaking

How many times have you attended a speech and decided whether the speaker was worth listening to within the first few minutes of their pitch? Often they hadn’t even gotten deep enough into their presentation to present metrics worth judging but you’d...

You Do Not Control Your Brand.

Think back 20 years. You had just checked into your hotel. You went up to your room and found a disgustingly large cockroach scrabbling around in your bathtub. After you screamed or screeched or hopped up on the toilet tank, you called the front desk and they got rid...

Nobody Cares About Your Newsletter.

Each day I get more than one hundred emails with titles like these:What’s Happening This Week at Shmegegge Meshuganah & Putz The XYZ Corporation’s Monthly Update, and MBHSCBA Newsletter – November 12, 2012 They went directly into my deleted spam...
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