The Four “A”s Of Travel Marketing

In the last few weeks I’ve had a particularly busy travel schedule. I’ve spoken at conferences in Anaheim, San Francisco, New York, Houston, and twice in San Juan. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be visiting Texas, New Jersey, Colorado and Mallorca and...

Selling Across The Generations.

I used to think that my father’s generation was the last one to live in two centuries at the same time. Growing up near Poe Park in the Bronx, my dad lived in a community with all the modern technological marvels including refrigerators, televisions, and...

Reaching Today’s Gay Consumer.

For the past few years, advertising to gay audiences has been the hypocritical little secret of a lot of marketers. They’re seduced by the demographics and sheer purchasing power of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) consumers but they’re...

Unmashing a Mashup

According to web technologist Cameron Adams, a mashup is “a song created by blending two or more other songs.” In analog terms, a mashup is a musical collage made up of bits and pieces of other songs, sound effects, and audio files. But while you can look at a collage...

The Power of The Platform.

Every third Friday I drive up to Fort Lauderdale at seven a.m. to attend the monthly meeting of The Strategic Forum (TSF). The Forum is an organization of about 35 business owners and CEOs that get together to share ideas, help each other network, and listen to an...
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