by Bruce Turkel | Jan 12, 2021 | All About Them, Branding, Building Brand Value, Is That All There Is?, Leadership
You probably know Matt Groening as the wildly successful creator of The Simpsons. The show is the longest-running primetime series in US and has won 32 Emmy Awards, ten in the category of Outstanding Animated Program alone. What’s more, its record 636...

by Bruce Turkel | Nov 10, 2020 | All About Them, Bruce Turkel, Is That All There Is?, Uncategorized
People used to sit on the porch or in the parlor and play musical instruments. Today we just hit the “play” button on Apple Music or Spotify and listen to anything we want. People used to grow seasonally-appropriate fruits and vegetables in window boxes and backyard...

by marketing.bruceturkel | Jul 24, 2019 | Branding, Building Brand Value
Regular readers of this blog know I’m an unabashed car fanatic. As a good buddy of mine (whose passions run to full-bodied cabernets) once told me, “I have a friend who says I’ve never met a wine I didn’t love for some particular nuance or reason. I...
by Bruce Turkel | Sep 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
The computer I’m writing this blog post on is powered by a generator. That’s because I’m writing this post hours after Hurricane Irma cut its cruel swath through Florida and the Caribbean. First a quick update: we are fine, thanks. Our house is a...
by Bruce Turkel | Jul 5, 2016 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
The Three Questions Every Professional Needs to Ask. As service professionals we all do the same thing. Sure, I create branding programs and advertising plans and you write screenplays, reconcile trial balances, argue court cases, engineer air-conditioning schematics,...