Does Pretty Matter?

In his best seller Blink, Malcolm Gladwell writes about the veracity of the decisions we make quickly, arguing that millions of years of evolution have given us the perceptive skills we need to make instant choices, often without all the facts. One of his examples is...

140 Characters is Way Too Many Letters.

Twitter has forever changed the way people communicate because being limited to 140 characters forces writers to be succinct. Even if you dislike Twitter, you can thank it for forcing people to shorten their prose. As editor Arthur Polotnik wrote, “You write to...

Not My Attorney

During the last days of 2010 Barack Obama changed Federal tax law. In a stunning political role reversal, Republicans supported the President’s package while Democrats opposed it. You might remember that the President’s deal included a renewal of expiring...

Better Living Through Sound Bytes.

We were just finishing up our run the other day and my friend, educational consultant David Altshuler, was talking about his son Ellory’s cross-country team. David said he likes cross-country because it’s a sport where you can really prove what...