Coronavirus Changes Everything.

Coronavirus Changes Everything.

The Coffee Shop: I stopped on the way to the airport and saw a friend of mine in a local coffee shop. I was heading over to say hello when he erupted in a huge wet sneeze. I walked away and didn’t shake his hand when I saw him over by the cash register when I...
It Was Interesting. But Was it Right?

It Was Interesting. But Was it Right?

In the New York Times article “My Piece of the American Id” the author poignantly points out the way she’s been mistreated as a black woman in the United States. As the author says, “Like all people of color, I’ve been on the receiving end of racial...
The Blame Business

The Blame Business

Thanks to all the recent press about reclining airline seats, I have a question for you: When do airline passengers have a right to recline their seat? A. Whenever they want, it’s their seat. B. Almost never, c’mon, there’s someone sitting behind...
Accounting for Accountability

Accounting for Accountability

Accounting for Accountability Just about a year ago, my daughter Aliana relocated from Washington DC to Los Angeles. I had recently sold my business and had newly minted free time on my hands. Plus, I had a great keynote speaker gig scheduled in Anaheim, California,...
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