What Is An Idea Worth?

The most exciting and profitable part of my business is often also the most frustrating — valuing our ideas. After all, clients don’t come to us because they want to be patrons of the arts. They call us up and hire us because they have a problem and they need to...

Brand Of The Day

Part of this online journey I enjoy so much is the interaction I have with you. For my end, I try to be open and transparent as we explore this brave new world of branding and online communication together and you’ve held up your end of the bargain with...

Nine Micro-Branding Tips Under $100 Each.

Last week we talked about how the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) has built a tourism marketing machine by focusing on building the singular Miami brand (you can read that post HERE). Thanks to aggressively pursuing this strategy, recent...
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