A Whale of a Good Idea

A Whale of a Good Idea

Metaphors and allegories are often great ways to make complicated examples simple. In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave,” the philosopher used the idea of prisoners chained to a wall and seeing only the shadows of other people to express the concept of actual...

Can Millions Of Words Earn Millions Of Dollars?

It’s funny. Almost everywhere I read and listen, people are talking about the passive income that can be earned selling books and e-books online. Speakers at the National Speakers Association meetings speak about it; magazines such as FastCompany and Wired write...

Everyone Wants To Publish A Book.

Every speaker I meet on the circuit thinks they’d be more successful if only they published a book. People I meet at cocktail parties and networking events want to know how I got my books published because they all “have a book in them.” Even published authors...
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