by Bruce Turkel | May 10, 2011 | Uncategorized
Do you know where good ideas come from? Don’t feel bad, neither do I. Surprising, perhaps, considering my advertising agency is responsible for coming up with great ideas for our clients every single day. I know how to present ideas; I know how to sell ideas....
by Bruce Turkel | Oct 13, 2009 | Uncategorized
Hadji Williams, a 17-year advertising copywriter, posted this and I thought it was just too damn good not to share. Mr. Williams points out a lot of things I’ve often thought about, he just says them more eloquently than I ever have. You can reach him at...
by Bruce Turkel | Aug 11, 2009 | Uncategorized
AdAge reported that Toyota is thinking of firing its ad agencies and doing everything in-house. My friend Andrew Jaffee has some interesting comments: Toyota spends $900 million in measured media in the U.S. alone, according to Nielsen. That means they’re...
by Bruce Turkel | Feb 27, 2009 | Uncategorized
Randy Gage wrote this and it’s the best thing I’ve read about Twitter yet. I think it’s so good I’m reprinting it in its entirety. Thank you, Randy. By Randy Gage February 27th, 2009 So last December I loaded up the car with books, CDs and...
by Bruce Turkel | Dec 18, 2008 | Uncategorized
VIA guest blogger Owen Frager: Instinctively, every small business owner understands the importance of brand equity, even if they may not be able to define the idea. Marketing-speak aside, brand equity is how your customer recognizes why you are different and better...