Spain Is Not Uganda

During the negotiations on the terms of Spain’s bailout, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy sent a text to his finance minister. Encouraging the minister to be a tough negotiator, Rajoy wrote: “We’re the number four power in Europe. Spain is not Uganda.”...

The Tools Change. The Rules Don’t.

Have you noticed what’s going on? Everything might seem pretty normal but without noticing, the world of media and marketing continues to change at lightning speed. Without warning, the newly crowned Holy Trinity of social media marketing — Twitter, Facebook,...

The Secret To Our Success.

In the last few months our branding firm has seen an unprecedented rash of new business opportunities. While I never look a gift horse in the mouth, the control freak, Type-A part of my personality wants to know where they’re all coming from. The small part of...

My Blog Got Me Thrown Out Of An Airplane.

I write this blog for a lot of reasons — to open a line of communication with you, to have a forum for my thoughts, to impose the discipline to think and write, to generate speaking gigs and new business for my advertising agency, and to build my brand. But thanks to...

Nine Micro-Branding Tips Under $100 Each.

Last week we talked about how the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) has built a tourism marketing machine by focusing on building the singular Miami brand (you can read that post HERE). Thanks to aggressively pursuing this strategy, recent...
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