What Time Does The Bus Get Here?

About a year ago I was lucky enough to meet a Supreme Court Justice and sit next to him at dinner (thanks, Phil!). The first question I asked was about the Citizens United decision and how it got passed. He made it clear that he was firmly opposed to the ruling and...

My Blog Got Me Thrown Out Of An Airplane.

I write this blog for a lot of reasons — to open a line of communication with you, to have a forum for my thoughts, to impose the discipline to think and write, to generate speaking gigs and new business for my advertising agency, and to build my brand. But thanks to...

Monetizing Talent.

Vincent Van Gogh died broken and penniless. He could not monetize his talent. Takashi Murakami figured it out. He makes big money selling cartoonish figures as fine art and licensing his outrageous colors for $5,000 limited edition Louis Vuitton handbags. Murakami is...
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