by Bruce Turkel | Jul 8, 2020 | All About Them, Branding, Marketing & Advertising
We’ve all heard the old saying, “If you build a better mousetrap the world will build a path to your door.” Trouble is, that’s not true. If you build a better mousetrap, the world WON’T beat a path to your door. You will just wind up with a bunch of...
by Bruce Turkel | Jun 9, 2020 | All About Them, Branding, Bruce Turkel
Joni Mitchell summed up today’s zeitgeist in her 1970’s release, “Big Yellow Taxi.” “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone?” 25 years later when she was being interviewed by journalist Robert Hilburn,...
by Bruce Turkel | Mar 24, 2020 | Branding
Chances are you’ve seen these next couple paragraphs. In fact, I’ll bet you’ve seen comments just like these sent to you from your cable company, your bank, your credit card company, and maybe even one or two of the online services you subscribe to:...
by Bruce Turkel | Mar 19, 2020 | All About Them, Branding
Since the outbreak of Coronavirus we’ve all learned a bunch of new terms: Flattening the curve, COVID-19, silent transmission. Heck, truth is I’d never even heard the term Coronavirus until just a few months ago even though it’s been around since I...
by Bruce Turkel | Mar 16, 2020 | Branding, Keynote speaking, Leadership, Marketing & Advertising
It was Winston Churchill who first said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Churchill’s words are perfectly appropriate considering what’s going on today with the Coronavirus and Covid-19. This could very well be the crises he was talking about....