by Bruce Turkel | Jul 15, 2013 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Some things get better with age — wines mellow and so does balsamic vinegar. Classic music, both symphonic and rock, sounds better and better each time I hear it. Jeans and khakis get more comfortable, running shoes do too. To my eye, older Porsches, BMWs, and Alfas...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 29, 2013 | Branding, Keynote speaking
Sometimes you get exposed to a new viewpoint from a unique venue that you weren’t expecting. To that point, I’m sitting on a panel in a university auditorium listening to one of my fellow panelists talk about the subject of our conference. I’ve...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 7, 2013 | Branding
Do you know what the word “tautology” means? Wikipedia says: Tautology: using different words to say the same thing, or a series of self-reinforcing statements that cannot be disproved because they depend on the assumption that they are already correct. Good examples...
by Bruce Turkel | Oct 31, 2012 | Uncategorized
I usually write about branding and creativity but here’s something a little more important this week – a developing list of ways to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Thanks to David Cohen for the research. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Red Cross The Red Cross has started...
by Bruce Turkel | Jul 9, 2012 | Uncategorized
A startling shift is changing the demographics of the world’s most important market. 2012 is the first year in history that non-Hispanic white births in the United States will no longer be the majority. According to The New York Times, “in the latest sign of the...