by Bruce Turkel | May 26, 2014 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
When I was a kid growing up on Miami Beach, the public service announcements we saw regularly were about the evils of littering and the dangers of silos and rock pits. Because of the constant brainwashing I received, I am a virulent anti-litterer. So much so that when...
by Bruce Turkel | May 12, 2014 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
With his dark sunglasses, slicked back hair, and untucked short-sleeve shirts, Mr. R was the coolest dad in our Miami Beach neighborhood. He’d pick us up in his enormous navy blue Lincoln Continental, and let us slide across the slickly mink-oiled cordovan...
by Bruce Turkel | May 5, 2014 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Walking into a meeting, church or synagogue, or maybe a theater, I’m sure you reach into your pocket and turn off the volume on your phone. But because not everyone is as thoughtful and considerate as you, a phone invariably rings during the presentation. Sadly,...
by Bruce Turkel | Apr 6, 2014 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
I am sitting in the audience of a breakout session at the NSA (National Speakers Association – the ones who talk, not the ones who listen). An online expert is putting on a fascinating presentation about how to generate web traffic. Right now he’s demonstrating...
by Bruce Turkel | Mar 23, 2014 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
A number of years ago I tried to figure out why our ad agency wasn’t quite as successful as I would have liked. It finally dawned on me that we had been trying to sell something our clients might not have been interested in buying. Quite simply, we were trying...