The Five Biggest Lies in Business

We’ve all heard the lies:“The Mercedes is paid for.” “I’ll call you in the morning.” “I’m from the IRS and I’m here to help.” “You may already be a winner.” But lately, thanks to the brave new world of online marketing, I’ve heard five...

A Barrel Full of Monkeys

Sitting in an airplane on my way to speak at the National Speakers Association Keynote Lab and mainlining my daily fix of The New York Times, I came across an advertising article by my friend Stuart Elliott titled “The Game Plan? Returning to What Works.” Elliott...

Beware of the Bazookas!!

Technology has changed everything. And in last week’s blog post, The Five Rules for Creative Success in 2011, we talked about the five factors we’ll need to deal with in order to manage for results in the brave new world: 1      The Future Started...

The Five Rules for Creative Success in 2011

Seems like many of the blogs I read just posted their best or worst of lists for 2010. I thought maybe it would be a little more useful to create a list of five important ideas for marketing success in 2011. 1 The Future Started Yesterday. When I speak on social media...

The Death of the Business Card

I’m sitting here in the mezzanine level of the Grand Ballroom in Collingswood, New Jersey, waiting for my turn to get up in front of the crowd and talk about Building Brand Value. It’s interesting to be in the balcony of this restored Scottish Rite temple...
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