A Different View on Free Entertainment.

This weekend I spoke at a conference for The Keyes Company on a Carnival cruise ship. Although my wife and I spent a lot of time in our cabin watching CNN to see what Obama, Biden, McCain, Palin and Saturday Night Live would do in the campaign’s final days, we...

Paper Is Out, Cellphones Are In

VIA NYT First came the kiosk, a strange addition to airport terminals when Continental Airlines began offering it as a check-in option in 1995. It was followed by Web check-in, introduced by Alaska Airlines in 1999. Now, with 80 percent of passengers using these...

Free Speech on GM’s Blog

At a recent Search Engine Strategies conference, GM’s CEO for Latin America was on the panel talking about how GM had set up a blog for their executives and how they were allowing uncensored comment from anyone who cared to participate. When Federico Calvo from...
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