The Power of Patterns

The Power of Patterns

Sometimes a thing looks like both the component parts that make up the thing and a collection of the thing itself. A rock, for example, looks both like a grain of sand and a mountain. Chunks of ice, too, look both like ice crystals and icebergs. Human nature can often...
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Whenever I park my bicycle, I’m careful to lock it securely to a bike rack or lamp post. I use a Kryptonite shackle lock and always make sure I run it through my bike frame and around secure anchors. I do all this with the hope that my bike will be right where I...
Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

It used to be that a sincere “I’m sorry” was accompanied by a bouquet of flowers and a heartfelt card.  Then life went back to normal. And for companies, rectifying a mistake usually meant a generic apology by the CEO and a conscientious program set up to...
Do No Evil. Unless You Do.

Do No Evil. Unless You Do.

For years Google has crowed about their code of conduct, “Don’t be evil.” In 2015 they doubled down on the concept, if not the actual words, when they introduced their new tagline “Do the right thing.”   As the company explains in their code of conduct,...
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