Is Anyone Reading All This Stuff?

Lots of articles on social media talk about how critical a blog is to a business’ online strategy. The old edict of “publish or perish” has been embraced and updated to include tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn updates and an increasingly ubiquitous barrage of blog...

Knowledge is power. Really?

It’s been almost five weeks since the Deepwater Horizon disaster and barrels of oil continue to pour out of a broken pipe 5,000 feet below the ocean’s surface. “Green” BP is trying to stave off a PR disaster, red-faced politicians are playing to the...

There’s Nowhere to Hide

Barry Lowenthal has been thinking about Foursquare and it’s worth hearing what he has to say: Lately I’ve been a keen participant on Foursquare, a mobile GPS-enabled social network that launched last year at SXSW. I was late to the game and downloaded the...
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