Free Research to Build Your Brand.

For years there’s been an ongoing debate regarding the veracity of research in the advertising world. On one side of the argument are the research proponents who believe that consumer attitudes and purchasing preferences can be accurately determined through...

How To Generate Buzz

In today’s social media-savvy world, one of the most important things you can do to increase your opportunities is to generate buzz. There are a number of activities you can undertake to increase your public perception and generate the kind of buzz that has the...

I Have No Idea What I’m Doing

When I started my business my father called my action “the confidence of ignorance.” I didn’t really know what I didn’t know so I held my nose and jumped right in. And with some long hours, perseverance, the hard work of lots of great people, and some good...

Unmashing a Mashup

According to web technologist Cameron Adams, a mashup is “a song created by blending two or more other songs.” In analog terms, a mashup is a musical collage made up of bits and pieces of other songs, sound effects, and audio files. But while you can look at a collage...