You Are What You Consume.

From The New York Times: “The (Volkswagen) Beetle was a revolutionary car that changed how people thought about mass-market transportation. As dedicated as the Beetle was to simplicity, the (Toyota) Prius is equally focused on fuel economy. Typically, cars that obsess...

The Myth Of Discovery

According to legend, a teenage Lana Turner was discovered at Schwab’s Pharmacy in Los Angeles. For years, Schwab’s was the place where actors got together to chat and exchange gossip. According to a website devoted to the pharmacy’s history: “In the...

Being the Best of the Best

On one of our morning runs last week, Stella was telling me about her son and how he wins at everything. He’s a high school golf champion, he always wins when they play Scrabble, and even though he doesn’t run regularly, he did run three miles with his...