A Whale of a Good Idea

A Whale of a Good Idea

Metaphors and allegories are often great ways to make complicated examples simple. In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave,” the philosopher used the idea of prisoners chained to a wall and seeing only the shadows of other people to express the concept of actual...

Knowledge is power. Really?

It’s been almost five weeks since the Deepwater Horizon disaster and barrels of oil continue to pour out of a broken pipe 5,000 feet below the ocean’s surface. “Green” BP is trying to stave off a PR disaster, red-faced politicians are playing to the...

I Am Ready For Death

Owen Frager’s compelling review of Social Media‘s significance: As Iranians defy Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s warning that there will be blood on the streets of Tehran if there are continued protests, it’s now clear that there are...