I Have No Idea What I’m Doing

When I started my business my father called my action “the confidence of ignorance.” I didn’t really know what I didn’t know so I held my nose and jumped right in. And with some long hours, perseverance, the hard work of lots of great people, and some good...

140 Characters is Way Too Many Letters.

Twitter has forever changed the way people communicate because being limited to 140 characters forces writers to be succinct. Even if you dislike Twitter, you can thank it for forcing people to shorten their prose. As editor Arthur Polotnik wrote, “You write to...

Creating Something Out Of Nothing

At 5:45 last Sunday morning, I walked into the lobby of the Hilton Hotel on 53rd Street in Manhattan and joined the crowd getting ready to run the New York Marathon. I was amazed by the energy of groups of nylon-clad athletes waiting to head to Staten Island and the...