The Greatest Advertising Agency in the World

A few weeks ago I posted the question, What Business Are You In?  I got lots of answers, both on and off the comment section of the blog. Many of them were very insightful — most readers understand that the reason their customers buy from them is often quite different...

The Seven-Step Recipe for Marketing Success

Owen Frager is Chief Innovation Officer of the Frager Creative Group, one of the nation’s first virtual marketing communications agencies serving Fortune 500 brands.There’s a lot more to interactive digital marketing than eye-catching banner ads, discount...

Deth Bye A Thowsend Cutz

How do you feel about typos? I hate ‘em. The few times I’ve discovered mistakes in my blog posts (or worse, when you’ve discovered a typo and called me on it) I die the death by a thousand cuts. Humiliating and eternally painful, typos are the shorthand...

Branding Island Style.

Picture a tropical island off the coast of the United States: This island is known for powdery beaches, swaying palm trees and stunning sunsets. Because it’s an island, it’s surrounded by endless blue ocean. This island has vibrant cities and quaint small...