Please Do Me a Favor

Please Do Me a Favor

Are you familiar with the psychological phenomenon called the Benjamin Franklin effect? It’s where a person who has already performed a favor for another person is more likely to do a second favor for the same person than if they had received a favor from that...
Your Kids Can’t Tell Time

Your Kids Can’t Tell Time

Your kids can’t tell time. Did you know that? Really, they can’t tell time. Don’t believe me? Test them some time. Wait until you’re in a room with an analog clock and a teenager or a twenty-something. Tell them they can’t look at their...
Evolution and Your Brand Value

Evolution and Your Brand Value

The speed of evolution is measured by the genetic changes of a species over time. If these genetic changes occur over a short period of time, the speed of evolution is defined as “fast.” Of course, “fast” is a matter of interpretation because, evolutionary speaking, a...