by marketing.bruceturkel | Jul 31, 2019 | Building Brand Value
It’s not the most attractive image, I know. But I got up from the table with something stuck between my teeth. I walked through the dining room to the front counter looking for the little cup filled with toothpicks. After circling the front desk and reception...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 2, 2018 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Leadership, Marketing & Advertising
Retail purchases used to be made in bricks and mortar stores. Today, more and more sales are made online. Politicians and celebrities used to communicate with voters through press secretaries, publicists, and multi-level public relations. Today, more and more of them...
by Bruce Turkel | Apr 4, 2016 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Brand strategies for fun and profit. Hospitals can learn a lot from restaurants. Even though it’s a silly stretch to point out that the words hospital and hospitality share the same linguistic root, the parallels remain strong. In any service business,...
by Bruce Turkel | Apr 5, 2015 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
A recent story on public radio talked about the logistics of pursuing smugglers of coveted black rhino horns. The officer interviewed made the point that the discoveries made in this case also helped uncover smugglers of guns, drugs, and even human traffickers. His...
by Bruce Turkel | Mar 29, 2015 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
On simplicity: Many years ago I was in an office with a tattooed art director who dressed in Hell’s Angel denim, leather, and chrome long before it was fashionable. Despite his intimidating appearance he was fiercely soft spoken about his work. One day, dressed...