by Bruce Turkel | Mar 12, 2013 | Branding, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Our Monday morning run takes us through Matheson Hammock Park and out to the marina, a small spit of land that juts out into Biscayne Bay. If you stand just so, you can look out across the endless bay and see the same unspoiled vista that the Tequesta Indians enjoyed...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 29, 2013 | Branding, Keynote speaking
Sometimes you get exposed to a new viewpoint from a unique venue that you weren’t expecting. To that point, I’m sitting on a panel in a university auditorium listening to one of my fellow panelists talk about the subject of our conference. I’ve...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 13, 2013 | Branding, Keynote speaking
Last week I exhausted my brain, my legs, and my wallet wandering through the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. CES is where companies from around the world gather to show each other their latest and greatest inventions and innovations. Vegas is where they...
by Bruce Turkel | Nov 5, 2012 | Branding
Each day I get more than one hundred emails with titles like these:What’s Happening This Week at Shmegegge Meshuganah & Putz The XYZ Corporation’s Monthly Update, and MBHSCBA Newsletter – November 12, 2012 They went directly into my deleted spam...
by Bruce Turkel | Oct 1, 2012 | Branding
Do you hate meetings? I sure do. Surprising because I sit through so many of them, but I find that most meetings are a complete waste of time. And while all meetings are different, what I’ve found is that they’re all populated by the same characters. After...