You Are What You Consume.

From The New York Times: “The (Volkswagen) Beetle was a revolutionary car that changed how people thought about mass-market transportation. As dedicated as the Beetle was to simplicity, the (Toyota) Prius is equally focused on fuel economy. Typically, cars that obsess...

5 Ways To Brand Miami, Destinations, And The Arts.

Here’s something I don’t understand: Status, financial success, legislative power, and importance are all the providence of commerce. Yet when we look back over history we see that great societies are remembered not by the business they did but by the art...

Creating Something Out Of Nothing

At 5:45 last Sunday morning, I walked into the lobby of the Hilton Hotel on 53rd Street in Manhattan and joined the crowd getting ready to run the New York Marathon. I was amazed by the energy of groups of nylon-clad athletes waiting to head to Staten Island and the...
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