What Is An Idea Worth?

The most exciting and profitable part of my business is often also the most frustrating — valuing our ideas. After all, clients don’t come to us because they want to be patrons of the arts. They call us up and hire us because they have a problem and they need to...

The Greatest Advertising Agency in the World

A few weeks ago I posted the question, What Business Are You In?  I got lots of answers, both on and off the comment section of the blog. Many of them were very insightful — most readers understand that the reason their customers buy from them is often quite different...

I Got Nothin’

Since the first day I made a speech in public, I’ve done everything I can think of to become better. My obsession started with my first talk — I was so nervous about presenting to a live audience that I wanted whatever help I could get before I made a fool of...
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