Does Pretty Matter?

In his best seller Blink, Malcolm Gladwell writes about the veracity of the decisions we make quickly, arguing that millions of years of evolution have given us the perceptive skills we need to make instant choices, often without all the facts. One of his examples is...

The Greatest Advertising Agency in the World

A few weeks ago I posted the question, What Business Are You In?  I got lots of answers, both on and off the comment section of the blog. Many of them were very insightful — most readers understand that the reason their customers buy from them is often quite different...

Selling Across The Generations.

I used to think that my father’s generation was the last one to live in two centuries at the same time. Growing up near Poe Park in the Bronx, my dad lived in a community with all the modern technological marvels including refrigerators, televisions, and...

Branding Island Style.

Picture a tropical island off the coast of the United States: This island is known for powdery beaches, swaying palm trees and stunning sunsets. Because it’s an island, it’s surrounded by endless blue ocean. This island has vibrant cities and quaint small...
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