Monetizing Talent.

Vincent Van Gogh died broken and penniless. He could not monetize his talent. Takashi Murakami figured it out. He makes big money selling cartoonish figures as fine art and licensing his outrageous colors for $5,000 limited edition Louis Vuitton handbags. Murakami is...

Tourism. The Rodney Dangerfield of Industries.

After almost every punch line, a googly-eyed, sweating Rodney Dangerfield would tug at his tie and utter his famous line, “Awww, I don’t get no respect.” Seems to me the entire travel and tourism industry could do the same thing. Tourism is a trade that...

Dinner in the Sky, 165 Feet Up

By Jayne Clark, USA TODAY

 Here’s a dining concept that’ll make your head — if not your stomach — spin: It’s dinner at a table suspended 165 feet in the air with chairs that swivel 180 degrees. 
Dubbed Dinner in the Sky, the attraction is making its...

Love at First Fright

Partner Salience Moderates Roller-Coaster-Induced Excitation Transfer(or, Roller Coasters make you hot.) Cindy M. Meston, Ph.D and Penny F. Frohlich, M.A. Very technical reading but quite worthwhile if you market a theme park OR if you’re looking for love. “This...
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