by Bruce Turkel | Sep 5, 2017 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
We’ve spent the last few weeks talking about my four-word rules for business success. My goal remains simple: I want to give you easy to implement tools, tactics, and techniques to make your business better. Each rule is only four words long because often...
by Bruce Turkel | Mar 28, 2017 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Monetize talent.Vincent Van Gogh died broken and penniless. He could not monetize talent. Takashi Murakami figured out how to monetize talent. He makes big money selling cartoonish figures and licensing his outrageous designs for $5,000 limited edition Louis Vuitton...
by Bruce Turkel | Aug 11, 2015 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
There was once a store in your neighborhood with the name Strictly Tennis. Everyone knew what Strictly Tennis did and what they sold. But then enough kids started playing soccer that the owners decided to also carry cleats and jerseys and changed their name to...
by Bruce Turkel | May 19, 2015 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Listen to enough writers talk about their Muse and sooner or later it’ll dawn on you that while the act of writing is thought of lots of different ways, few of them are pleasant. Ernest Hemingway found looking for his Muse torturous. According to legend, Papa...
by Bruce Turkel | Jan 13, 2015 | Branding, Bruce Turkel, Keynote speaking, Marketing & Advertising
Q: When is the best time to plant an oak tree? A: Twenty years ago. Or today. Happy New Year! 2015 is a brand new year and we’re right in the middle of New Year’s resolution month. That means not enough time has gone by to break the resolutions...