Can Millions Of Words Earn Millions Of Dollars?

It’s funny. Almost everywhere I read and listen, people are talking about the passive income that can be earned selling books and e-books online. Speakers at the National Speakers Association meetings speak about it; magazines such as FastCompany and Wired write...

Democratized Culture and You.

Each week that I post these articles I’m careful to include embedded links to the different subjects I talk about, so that while you read the blog posts you can click on the links (highlighted in blue) to learn more about the individual people or companies...

What do incompetence AND arrogance add up to?

Besides having a problem with their Deepwater Horizon well spewing oil into the Gulf Stream, BP also seems to have a problem with its executives spewing insensitive statements into the media stream. First, embattled BP CEO Tony Hayward told a disbelieving press...

You Have To Be Cheapest Or Be Best

Another brilliant blog post by my friend Andrew Jaffee: Motorola is one of America’s proudest brands. Started by the brothers Galvin in Chicago in 1928 as a battery company, it moved to manufacturing car radios, hence the name a combination of “motor” and...
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