What I Learned At CES.

Last week I exhausted my brain, my legs, and my wallet wandering through the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. CES is where companies from around the world gather to show each other their latest and greatest inventions and innovations. Vegas is where they...

What’s In A Name?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about labels lately and questioning how much impact they have on behavior. What I’m wondering is if names can be the harbingers of action or if that’s just a shallow and ultimately worthless supposition. About a year...

You say iPad, I say iPod

Everyone I know has been asking my take on Apple‘s name for their new device – the iPad. Frankly I think the naming choice is typical Apple M.O. — they pick the name they want and damn the torpedoes. It’s a take on the old riddle: Q:  Where does a 900 lb....

Creating Brand Equity

VIA guest blogger Owen Frager: Instinctively, every small business owner understands the importance of brand equity, even if they may not be able to define the idea. Marketing-speak aside, brand equity is how your customer recognizes why you are different and better...

Whatever happened to names like Sam and Debbie?

Naming a baby can be similar to branding a product: Parents want their children to stand out without being too trendy. Who would have thought that consulting businesses have sprung up to help stressed-out parents name their little darlings? Read...