They Buy Who You Are.

Two things caught my eye this week: According to the old adage of journalism, when a dog bites a man that is not news, but when a man bites a dog that is news. In Thursday’s paper there was an article about Kansas City Royals‘ pitcher Gil Meeche who...

A Barrel Full of Monkeys

Sitting in an airplane on my way to speak at the National Speakers Association Keynote Lab and mainlining my daily fix of The New York Times, I came across an advertising article by my friend Stuart Elliott titled “The Game Plan? Returning to What Works.” Elliott...

The Greatest Blogger of the 16th-Century

Depending on when you started reading this blog it may or may not be obvious to you that it’s an experimental and constantly evolving work-in-progress. When I started the blog in August of ‘06, I had no idea what I was doing. I knew that I wanted to begin a...

Can Millions Of Words Earn Millions Of Dollars?

It’s funny. Almost everywhere I read and listen, people are talking about the passive income that can be earned selling books and e-books online. Speakers at the National Speakers Association meetings speak about it; magazines such as FastCompany and Wired write...
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