Who’d of Thunk It? PART II

From the New York Times: FOR generations, advertising interrupted the entertainment that Americans wanted to read, hear or watch. Now, in a turnabout, advertising is increasingly being presented as entertainment — and surprisingly, the idea of all ads, all the time,...

Steven Heller interviews Steven Jobs

I’ll admit I’ve never been a huge Steven Heller fan, mostly because I didn’t understand a lot of what he said. But Kerry McLaney in my office turned me on to this interview and I agree with her that it’s brilliant. By the way, if you go to the...

Nike launches itself into the Imus fracas

In an interesting combination of advertising and social commentary, Nike has plunged bravely into the Don Imus controversey. Although the company takes the high road, it will be interesting to see what (if any) the response will be with consumers and throughout the...

Can Brands be Gay?

There’s no doubt that brands are badges, telling everyone who we are and how we want to present ourselves to the world. But how far does this go? A recent article in the New York Times suggests that brand-badge symbolism has become so powerful that certain cars...
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