You Are What You Consume.

From The New York Times: “The (Volkswagen) Beetle was a revolutionary car that changed how people thought about mass-market transportation. As dedicated as the Beetle was to simplicity, the (Toyota) Prius is equally focused on fuel economy. Typically, cars that obsess...

What Was So Damn Important Anyway?

My friend and client, Juan, went on a holiday a couple of months ago. Juan’s from a small town in the Pyrenees, just outside of Barcelona, and he was going back home with his wife and kids for a two-week vacation. Unfortunately, it turned out to only be a...

The American market just changed forever.

A startling shift is changing the demographics of the world’s most important market. 2012 is the first year in history that non-Hispanic white births in the United States will no longer be the majority. According to The New York Times, “in the latest sign of the...

Starbucks Envy

Eddie and Bill were sitting at an outdoor table at Scotty’s Landing having lunch last Friday. I had run over to the bayside shack right after my downtown lunch meeting to chat with a potential client and then needed to zip out to check on a video production in...
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