How You Can Help The Victims of Hurricane Sandy.

I usually write about branding and creativity but here’s something a little more important this week – a developing list of ways to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Thanks to David Cohen for the research. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Red Cross The Red Cross has started...

Do You Hate Meetings?

Do you hate meetings? I sure do. Surprising because I sit through so many of them, but I find that most meetings are a complete waste of time. And while all meetings are different, what I’ve found is that they’re all populated by the same characters. After...

140 Characters is Way Too Many Letters.

Twitter has forever changed the way people communicate because being limited to 140 characters forces writers to be succinct. Even if you dislike Twitter, you can thank it for forcing people to shorten their prose. As editor Arthur Polotnik wrote, “You write to...

The Power of The Platform.

Every third Friday I drive up to Fort Lauderdale at seven a.m. to attend the monthly meeting of The Strategic Forum (TSF). The Forum is an organization of about 35 business owners and CEOs that get together to share ideas, help each other network, and listen to an...
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